6/26/2018 – KDA-DWR’s web site on the Hays/R9 Ranch change applications has been updated with the presentations from the June 21 public informational meeting. http://www.agriculture.ks.gov/HaysR9 Keywords: HaysR9, Changes, water transfer, StocktonFO…
6/15/2018 – Public meeting set related to the Hays/R9 Ranch change applications for Thursday, June 21, 1:00 in Greensburg. agriculture.ks.gov/AllNewsItems/2….
5/8/2018 – Hays/Russell change applications & draft proposed approval documents sent to GMD 5 for review, posted at: agriculture.ks.gov/HaysR9.
Also on the web site is a summary of the draft orders and tentative timeline concerning review of Hays/Russell R9 Ranch change applications.…