Our GMD 4 LEMA web page has been restructured and updated to improve the tracking of the two pending litigations at: agriculture.ks.gov/GMD4LEMA …
A second request for judicial review related to GMD 4’s Local Enhanced Management Area (LEMA) has been filed, this one in Thomas County and focused on the ability of GMD 4 to make final decisions related to setting allocations for particular plaintiffs. Posted at: http://www.agriculture.ks.gov/GMD4LEMA.
Keywords: LEMA, GMD4, Legal, Court…
6/15/2018 – On June 13, a petition for judicial review of the GMD 4 District-wide LEMA orders was filed in Gove County District Court along with a notice disputing the validity of K.S.A. 82a-1041 (the LEMA statutory provisions). Posted at: agriculture.ks.gov/GMD4LEMA…
5/22/2018 – Sec. McClaskey declines administrative review of GMD 4 LEMA order. Decision posted at agriculture.ks.gov/GMD4LEMA.…